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An OWL-RDF parser takes an RDF/XML file and attempts to construct an OWL ontology that corresponds to the triples represented in the RDF. This document describes a basic strategy that could be used in such a parser. Note that this is not intended as a complete specification, but hopefully provides enough information to point the way towards how one would build a parser that will deal with a majority of (valid) OWL ontologies.
For example, we do not discuss the implementation or handling of
here, nor do we address in depth issues
concerned with spotting some of the more obscure violations of the
DL/Lite rules.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document.
This is a draft document which — depending on the approval of the Web Ontology Working Group — may form a W3C note.
This version is based on the Candidate Recommendations dated 18 August 2003: OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax, OWL Web Ontology Language Reference, and OWL Web Ontology Language Guide. OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases.
The author welcomes comments on this document, but does not guarantee a reply or any further action. Please send comments on this draft to
An OWL-RDF parser takes an RDF/XML file and attempts to construct an OWL ontology that corresponds to the triples represented in the RDF. This document describes a basic strategy that could be used in such a parser. Note that this is not intended as a complete specification, but hopefully provides enough information to point the way towards how one would build a parser that will deal with a majority of (valid) OWL ontologies.
For example, we do not discuss the implementation or handling of
here, nor do we address in depth issues
concerned with spotting some of the more obscure violations of the
DL/Lite rules.
The scope of this discussion is OWL DL and OWL Lite, and the
procedure described below is targeted primarily at parsing OWL DL
ontologies. For example, whenever
is used, OWL DL requires that the
subject and object of the triple have corresponding types (e.g. both
are either owl:ObjectProperty
). If this is not the case, the
parser will raise an error. An OWL Full parser should allow this (but
it is not necessarily clear what the corresponding abstract syntax for
such a construct would be).
The OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax [OWL S&AS] document provides a characterisation of OWL ontologies in terms of an abstract syntax. This is a high level description of the way in which we can define the characteristics of classes and properties.
In addition, S&AS gives a mapping to RDF triples. This tells us how such an abstract description of an OWL ontology can be transformed to a collection of RDF triples (which can then be represented in a concrete fashion using, for example RDF/XML).
In order to parse an OWL-RDF file into some structure closer to the abstract syntax we need to reverse this mapping, i.e. determine what the class and property definitions were that lead to those particular triples. Note that this reverse mapping is not necessarily unique. For example, the following two ontology fragments:
Class( a ) Class( b ) SubClassOf( b a )
Class( a ) Class( b partial a )
both give rise to the same collection of triples under the mapping:
a rdf:type owl:Class b rdf:type owl:Class b rdfs:subClassOf a
For many purposes, e.g. species validation, this is not necessarily a problem. For other situations, e.g. where an editing tool is being used, we would at least expect a parser to be consistent in the strategy it employed to produce abstract syntax descriptions.
An arbitrary RDF graph may not necessarily correspond to an OWL Lite or DL ontology. In other words, there may not be an OWL Lite or DL ontology which when transformed using the mapping produces the given graph. This is what a species validator attempts to determine: if such an ontology exists. A parser (as described here) will go one step further and actually attempt to construct such an ontology.
There are, in general, two ways in which an RDF graph may fail to correspond to an OWL [Lite|DL] ontology.
We might (loosely) describe the first as external errors, and the second as internal errors. Examples of external errors include:
(e.g. as the object of an owl:someValuesFrom
whose subject is an owl:Restriction
which has an
property with an
as its object) without explicitly
including a statement that the URI reference is an
or owl:Restriction
. The AS&S
requires that all such usages are given an explicit typing. owl:Restriction
, e.g. missing an
of the more specific owl:ObjectProperty
.Once we have an ontology in abstract form, we can then check for internal errors. For example, there are restrictions on the expressiveness that can be used in OWL Lite (no unions or enumerations and limited cardinality restrictions). The Lite and DL subspecies also have a constraint that effectively says that the collections of URI references of classes, individuals and properties must be disjoint. Thus in OWL Lite and DL we can not use metamodelling devices such as classes as instances.
The following discussion assumes that we have some implementation of a data structure representing the ontology which is close to the abstract syntax description (something along the lines of our proposed OWL API). We do not discuss the details of such an implementation here — hopefully the meaning of actions such as add a class x or set the functional flag on a property will be clear.
Many XML parsers operate in a streaming fashion —
elements are reported to the parser as they are encountered during the
parse, and the file is processed incrementally. It is difficult to do
this when parsing RDF models (or at least when performing a task such
as producing an abstract syntax representation of an OWL ontology from
a given RDF/XML file). The problem is that we have no guarantee of the
order in which the triples in the graph are processed (and thus
reported by the streaming parser). A particular syntactic construct
may actually be split across several locations in the RDF file. In
order to parse in a streaming fashion, we may have to make note of
triples encountered earlier on and then come back to process them
later. As a concrete example of this, consider a situation where an
is used to make an annotation
about a particular individual:
AnnotationProperty( hasName ) Individual( fred hasName "Frederick" )
This results in the triples:
[1] hasName rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty [2] fred hasName "Frederick"
If we encounter [1]
before [2]
during the
parse, we know that the property is an annotation property, and can
thus process [2]
as an annotation. If, however, we
encounter [2]
first, we do not know whether to process
as an annotation or a value on the individual. As
there is no way of knowing whether or not
will occur until we have seen all the triples, we
must wait until we have seen all triples before processing
Because of this, our strategy is that the parser does not attempt to process anything until all triples are available. Although it may be possible to process some information in a streaming manner, it reduces the conceptual complexity of the parser if we first collect the triples then process them. Note that this has ramifications on the resources that will be required when parsing — when parsing large RDF graphs, large amounts of memory may be needed.
We assume that while parsing we have access to the objects in
the ontology already created, e.g.. if an ObjectProperty
has been introduced we can get access to it. When we
refer to, for example, the ObjectProperty p
, we
mean the ObjectProperty that has been defined with name
In addition, we assume that we can query the RDF graph to determine the presence or absence of particular arcs (e.g. precisely the kind of functionality provided by an RDF API such as Jena).
While processing the graph, we keep a record of any triples that have been used in the translation. For example, if there is a triple:
x rdf:type owl:Class
which results in the introduction of a class x
Class( c )
then we consider that triple to have been used.
We first identify the name classes and properties that make up the ontology.
For any non-bnode x
in the graph
s.t. there is a triple:
x rdf:type owl:Class
introduce a new class x
Class( c )
We will refer to any such classes that have been introduced in this manner as named classes.
Properties should all be introduced with an explicit type.
For any node p
in the graph where there is one of the
following triples:
p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty p rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty p rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty p rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty
introduce a new ObjectProperty p
ObjectProperty( p )
In addition, if any of the latter three triples are present, the appropriate flag should be set on the property, e.g.:
ObjectProperty( p Transitive )
If there is also a triple of the form:
p rdf:type FunctionalProperty
then the property should be set as functional.
For any object property p
dealt with as
above, there may also be an (optional) triple:
p rdf:type rdf:Property
For any node p
in the graph where there is a triple:
q rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty
introduce a new DatatypeProperty q
DatatypeProperty( q )
If there is also a triple of the form:
q rdf:type FunctionalProperty
then the property should be set as functional.
For any data property p
dealt with as above, there may also be an (optional) triple:
p rdf:type rdf:Property
For any node a
in the graph where there is a triple:
a rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty
introduce a new AnnotationProperty a
AnnotationProperty( a )
For any annotation property p
dealt with as above,
there may also be an (optional) triple:
p rdf:type rdf:Property
For any node d
in the graph where there is a triple:
d rdf:type rdfs:Datatype
introduce a new Datatype d
Datatype( d )
There may also be an (optional) triple:
d rdf:type rdfs:Class
Now that the named classes and properties have been identified, we can determine the axioms that have been asserted.
Property axioms assert characteristics of properties.
For any triples of the form:
p rdfs:domain d
translate d
to a
class description, and add the resulting class description to the
domains of the property p
. If p
is not a
property, raise an error.
For any triples of the form:
p rdfs:range r
if p
is an ObjectProperty, then translate
to a class description, and add the resulting class
description to the ranges of the property p
. If
is a data property, convert r
to a
data range and add the result to the ranges of the property.
For any triples of the form:
p rdfs:subPropertyOf q
p owl:equivalentProperty q
first check that either:
and q
are ObjectProperties;
and q
are DatatypeProperties.If so, add an axiom asserting that
is a superproperty or equivalent property of
as appropriate. If neither of the above are true, raise
an error.
For any triples of the form:
p owl:inverseOf q
Check that p
and q
ObjectProperties. If not, raise an error. If so, add q
to the collection of inverses of p
We have to deal with any class definitions that occur in the ontology. For example, the following RDF fragment:
<class rdf:about="#a"> <intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <class rdf:about="#b"/> <class rdf:about="#c"/> </intersectionOf> </class>
arises when a class a
has been given a complete
definition involving an intersection.
For any named class x
, do the following.
For all triples:
x owl:oneOf l
should be a node representing a list of named individuals (e.g. URI references). Add
the axiom:
Class( x complete oneOf(i1 )
where i1 i2 ... in
the individuals in the list l
. If l
is not a
list (of named individuals), raise an error.
For all triples:
x owl:intersectionOf l
should be a node representing a list of class descriptions. Add the axiom:
Class( x complete lt1 lt2...ltn )
where lt1 lt2
... ltn
are the translated descriptions
in the list l
. If l
is not a list (of class
descriptions), raise an error.
For all triples:
x owl:unionOf l
should be a node representing a list of class descriptions. Add the axiom:
Class( x complete unionOf(lt1 lt2...ltn) )
where lt1 lt2
... ltn
are the translated descriptions
in the list l
. If l
is not a list (of class descriptions), raise an
For all triples:
x owl:complementOf n
should be a node representing a class
description. Add the axiom:
Class( x complete complementOf( nt ) )
where nt
is the translation of n
. If
is not a class description, raise an error.
Class axioms can provide relationships and characteristics of arbitrary class descriptions.
For all triples of the form:
c rdfs:subClassOf d
add a new axiom:
SubClassOf( ct dt )
where ct
is the translation of c
to a
class description, and dt
the translation of
. If c
is a named class, then due to
the ambiguity of the reverse mapping, an
alternative here is to include the assertion as part of the definition
of the class and add the axiom:
Class( c partial dt )
to the ontology. Note that in this case, if the class already has a partial description in the ontology, e.g. there is an axiom:
Class( c partial e1 e2...en )
then we can simply add dt
to this axiom to get:
Class( c partial e1 e2...en dt )
rather than introducing a new axiom.
See below.
See below.
Individual axioms assert relationships about the equality and inequality of individuals.
For all triples of the form:
x owl:sameAs y
where x
and y
are individualIDs, add
individuals x
and y
(if necessary) and an
SameIndividual( x y )
For all triples of the form:
x owl:differentFrom y
where x
and y
are individualIDs, add
individuals x
and y
(if necessary) and an
DifferentIndividuals( x y )
For all triples of the form:
x rdf:type owl:AllDifferent
where x
is a bnode, there should also be a triple:
x owl:distinctMembers l
where l
is a list. Add an
DifferentIndividuals( i1 )
where i1 i2 ... in
the individuals in the list l
. If l
is not a
list (of named individuals), x
is not a bnode or the
triple is missing, raise an
Lists are used in a number of places in OWL ontologies: for example to represent the arguments of boolean expressions or the individuals listed in an enumeration (oneOf). For the purposes of producing a OWL ontology, order is not particularly important — the order of the operands in an intersection or union does not alter their semantics, so for simplicitly, we consider converting a node representing a list to a set of nodes. Lists are thus handled using the following simple recursive procedure.
The node rdf:nil
is translated to the empty set.
For a node l
s.t. there is a triple:
l rdf:type rdf:List
find the node r
s.t. there is a triple:
l rdf:rest r
If such a node does not exist, or there are are multiple nodes
which are the objects of such triples, raise an error. The node
should be a list node itself. Convert this node to a
set of nodes rs
. Now find the node s.t. there is a
l rdf:first f
Again, there should be a single such node — if not, raise an
error. Return the result of adding this node to the set
For cases where we expect a list of class descriptions, we do the obvious thing, e.g. convert to a collection of nodes, then translate each node using the procedure described below.
For any node l
which is used as a list (e.g. as the
subject of a rdf:first
or rdf:rest
, the
object of a rdf:rest
, or in a place where a list is
expected, there may be an (optional) triple:
l rdf:type rdf:List
Circular lists are forbidden. If we have:
l rdf:rest r
and we encounter the node l
used as the object of an
triple while translating
, then an error should be raised.
If a node is used in particular contexts (e.g. as the subject or
object of an owl:subClassOf
triple) then we know that the
node is intended to represent a class expression. In order to handle
this, we define a procedure which takes a node in the RDF graph and
yields a class expression.
If n
is a named class, then return n
If this is not the case, n
must be the subject of the
subject of an
triple with object
or be the subject of exactly one triple
involving owl:oneOf
, owl:unionOf
. If not, raise an error.
The node may also be the subject of triple:
n rdf:type owl:Class
n rdf:type rdfs:Class
Translation then proceeds on a case-analysis of the particular triple found.
If there is a triple:
n rdf:type owl:Restriction
then n
needs to be translated as a restriction. There
should be now be exactly one triple:
n owl:onProperty p
where p
is an ObjectProperty or DatatypeProperty. If
not, raise an error. In addition, n
should be the subject
of exactly one triple involving owl:minCardinality
, owl:someValuesFrom
or owl:hasValue
. If not,
raise an error. Translation then again proceeds on a case-analysis of
the type of the property and the triple it is involved in.
n owl:cardinality k
Return a cardinality restriction whose numerical value is the non negative integer which should be the object of the cardinality triple, e.g.:
restriction( p cardinality( k ) )
n owl:minCardinality k
Return a cardinality restriction whose numerical value is the non negative integer which should be the object of the cardinality triple, e.g.:
restriction( p minCardinality( k ) )
n owl:maxCardinality k
Return a cardinality restriction whose numerical value is the non negative integer which should be the object of the cardinality triple, e.g.:
restriction( p maxCardinality( k ) )
n owl:someValuesFrom v
If p
is an ObjectProperty, return:
restriction( p someValuesFrom ( vt ) )
where vt
is the translation of v to a class
description. If p
is a DatatypeProperty, then return:
restriction( p someValuesFrom ( vdt ) )
where vdt
is the translation of v to a data range.
n owl:allValuesFrom v
If p
is an ObjectProperty, return:
restriction( p allValuesFrom ( vt ) )
where vt
is the translation of v to a class
description. If p
is a DatatypeProperty, then return:
restriction( p allValuesFrom ( vdt ) )
where vdt
is the translation of v to a data range.
n owl:hasValue v
If p
is an ObjectProperty, return:
restriction( p value ( v ) )
where v
is translation of v as an individual. If
is a DatatypeProperty, then return:
restriction( p value ( vdt ) )
where vdt
is the translation of v as a data value.
If there is a triple:
n owl:oneOf l
then l
should be a list of named
individuals (e.g. URI references). Return:
where i1 i2
... in
are the individuals in the list
. If l
is not a list (of named
individuals), raise an error.
If there is a triple:
n owl:intersectionOf l
intersectionOf( lt1 lt2...ltn )
where lt1 lt2
... ltn
are the translated descriptions
in the list l
. If l
is not a list, raise an
If there is a triple:
n owl:unionOf l
unionOf( lt1 lt2...ltn )
where lt1 lt2
... ltn
are the translated descriptions
in the list l
. If l
is not a list, raise an
If there is a triple:
n owl:complementOf m
complementOf( mt )
where mt
is the translation of m
as a
class description.
If n
is an XML schema data type or
, then return that type.
If n
is a datatype introduced as above,
then return that datatype.
If n
is a blank node and there is a triple:
n owl:oneOf l
then l
should be a list of
data values. Return:
oneOf(d1 d2...dn)
where d1 d2
... dn
are the data values in the list
. If l
is not a list, raise an error.
[OWL S&AS] includes the following comment relating to translation from abstract syntax to RDF graphs:
For many directives these transformation rules call for the transformation of components of the directive using other transformation rules. When the transformation of a component is used as the subject, predicate, or object of a triple, even an optional triple, the transformation of the component is part of the production (but only once per production) and the main node of that transformation should be used in the triple.
In practice, this means that blank nodes (i.e. those with no name) which are produced during the transformation and represent arbitrary expressions in the abstract syntax form should not be "re-used".
Consider the following example:
Class(A partial intersectionOf(C D))
In this case, translation to an RDF graph would result in a blank
node representing the intersection of C and D. This would then be used
as the object of a rdfs:subClassOf
triple with
as subject.
Now consider if the ontology also included a second axiom as below.
Class(A partial intersectionOf(C D)) Class(B partial intersectionOf(C D))
In this case, we are not allowed to "re-use" the
blank node, but must instead produce a new node to represent the
intersection being used in the definition of B
, even
though the expressions are identical.
There are, however, two cases where a blank node corresponding to
an expression can be used in more than one place — when the
translation results from an EquivalentClasses
axiom. These are discussed in more detail
In order to check whether an RDF graph corresponds to an OWL [Lite|DL] ontology, we must check that the rules for structure sharing have not been violated. We describe strategies for doing this.
We keep track of all the blank nodes that have been used during
the parsing process. Effectively, this means that whenever we see a
blank node that occurs as the object of a triple involving
, rdf:type
, owl:allValuesFrom
or rdfs:subClassOf
, occurs as a value in a list which is the object of an
or owl:unionOf
, or occurs
as the subject of a triple involving
, we first check to see whether the node
has been used. If so, then structure sharing has occurred and
the ontology is not in DL. If not, then we mark the
node as used and carry on. Processing
triples is slightly more complicated as
the mapping rules permit us to share structure in particular ways.
In general, an equivalence axiom
EquivalentClasses( D1 D2...Dn )
is translated to a collection of nodes, one for each expression in
the equivalence, and a number of owl:equivalentClass
triples between these nodes such that those triples form a connected
graph over the nodes. In other words, starting from any node in the
collection, we can get to any other node in the collection along a
path that only traverses owl:equivalentClass
edges in
either direction.
In practice, this means that a blank node may participate in more
than one owl:equivalentClass
triple (but note that it
cannot also participate in other triples).
A possible strategy for dealing with
triples is as follows.
triples that occur in
the graph. n
are in a set, there is a path between them consisting
only of owl:equivalentClass
, add an
equivalence axiom:
EquivalentClasses( tn1tn2...tnn )where
is the translated
description of ni
. In addition,
if any of the ni
are blank nodes,
check that they have not been used. If they have, this is
not an OWL DL ontology. If they are not used, mark as
usedAn improvement to this strategy is to attempt to identify the
situations where the owl:equivalentClass
triple may have
come from a class definition (recall the ambiguity of the mapping). To address this, if
any of the node sets have size 2, and have been produced because of a
single triple:
c owl:equivalentClass d
where c
is a named class, then we translate the
assertion as a definition of the class and add the axiom:
Class( c complete dt )
to the ontology. In order to correctly parse OWL Lite ontologies, this approach is essential, as it ensures that a situation such as:
c owl:equivalentClass _:a _:a rdf:type owl:Restriction _:a owl:onProperty p _:a owl:minCardinality 0
is translated to a definition of the class rather than a class axiom (the resulting axiom would not be permitted in OWL Lite).
The rules for DisjointClasses
axioms tell us that an
DisjointClasses( D1 D2...Dn )
is translated to a collection of nodes, one for each expression in
the equivalence, and a number of owl:disjointWith
triples, such that every node in the collection is connected to every
other node by at least one triple (in either
direction). Again, this may lead to blank nodes being used in more
than one place.
A possible strategy for dealing with owl:disjointWith
triples is as follows:
triples that occur in
the graph. n1
can be reached from
via a path that consists of
triples, and which does not pass
through a named class node — in other words the
traversal stops when we reach a named node. Include n
this collection.owl:disjointWith
edges must be
fully connected: every node must have an edge to every other node. If
this is not the case, the graph is not in DL.DisjointClasses( tn1tn2...tnn)where
is the translated
description of ni
. In addition,
if any of the ni
are blank nodes,
check that they have not been used. If they have, this is
not an OWL DL ontology. If they are not used, mark as
used.c owl:disjointWith d(where
and d
must be URI references), if
the two nodes have not already been included in a single axiom
produced by the process above, introduce a new axiom:
DisjointClasses( ct dt )
There are a number of tests in the OWL Test Cases [OWL Tests] which are designed to illustrate these issues, in particular:
tests.Once all the triples that relate to primitive object definitions and axioms have been processed, (more or less) everything else is assumed to be a fact relating to individuals. For all remaining triples:
x p y
the action taken depends on the type of p
. If no
explicit type has been given for the property p
, raise an
If p
is an annotation property, then add an
appropriate annotation to the object x
(which should
correspond to a named class, property, datatype, ontology, individual
or unnamed ontology or individual).
If p
is an ObjectProperty, assume that the subject and
object are individuals and add a fact:
Individual( x value( p y ) )
If p
is an DatatypeProperty, assume that the subject
is an individual and add a fact:
Individual( x value( p dy ) )
where dy
is the translation of y
to a
literal value.
There are many cases in the above discussion where errors may be
raised — for example if properties are used without explicit
typing. Strictly speaking, an OWL DL or Lite parser could choose to
fail when encountering such situations. Of course, in practice, we
might expect parsers to be more resilient and be able to recover. So
for example, if the parser detects the following use of a property
x rdf:type owl:Thing y rdf:type owl:Thing x p y
it is reasonable to assume that the property p
intended to be an owl:ObjectProperty
. In this case, we
might expect the parser to assume that p
is an
ObjectProperty and try and proceed with the parse (but would of course
warn the user about the assumption being made).